A Non-for-Profit

Community University

committed to Higher

Education of excellence


Created on February 10th of 1967 and committed to academic excellence, UCS is an Institution in sync with its time and projected to go beyond it. As a development promotion agent, UCS aims to encourage scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship culture, articulating the actions between academia and society.


To promote people's integral education, through the production of knowledge, for sustainable development.


To be the best non-for-profit community University in Rio Grande do Sul.


  • Ethics
  • Sense of Community
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Excellence
  • Commitment
  • Transparency
A University connected to its community needs
  • The best infrastructure of the region, with eight university campuses and 13 libraries
  • Qualified education supported by technology
  • Continuous Teacher Training - Acting strongly in research and innovation, UCS keeps a continuous pedagogical training for its teaching staff
  • More than 800 laboratories across the campuses
  • Reference in wild animal healthcare
  • One of the best universities in the world for the 5th consecutive year
  • One of the best universities in Latin America for the 5th consecutive year
  • One of the best universities among emerging economy countries for the 3rd consecutive year.
    * Times Higher Education Magazine
  • 1st place in innovation in Rio Grande do Sul and 2nd in Brazil among community and private universities
  • 7th in research in the country, among community and private universities
    * Folha University Ranking - RUF 2023



undergraduate courses among bachelors,
licentiates and technologists


distance learning undergraduate courses

  • Disciplines taught in English
  • Exchange student programs (with equivalent grading system) through international agreements
  • Employability through UCS Careers and UCS Opportunities programs
  • Continuous enrollment
  • Scholarships via Prouni (total e partial)
  • Student Funding (Fies and others)
  • Scientific initiation scholarships
  • Courses in all areas with quality certified by MEC (Ministry of Education)
  • Licentiate Degrees and teacher training promotion programs, like PARFOR, PIBID and Teacher of Tomorrow
  • Student Support Center (NAE) for an inclusive university
  • UCS With You, program linked to student permanence management throughout the undergraduate course
  • Programs and projects integrated to the community, with actions that unfold into various activities, and projects integrated with the community with actions happening in several activities, as an example the Rondon Project



More than 150 lato sensu graduate courses (specializations and MBAs) in all areas of knowledge


stricto sensu graduate programs (Master and PhD)

Lifelong Learning

  • Almost 2,5 thousand activities per year, between courses and events
  • + than 90 thousand enrolled annually

Programs and Projects

Boosts the University's internationalization with student mobility programs, academic missions and more.

  • 116 international cooperation agreements
  • Agreements with institutions from 27 countries
  • Opportunities in different continents
  • Study Exchange Abroad (with equivalent grading system) through international agreements
  • Holiday courses at Summer School, with immersion in different languages in areas such as gastronomy, history and culture
    [ More info ]

Feet in our region, eyes on the world

  • + than 128 thousand professionals graduated from UCS
  • + than 22 thousand graduated specialists
  • + than 3 thousand graduated masters and doctors
  • Second undergraduate course facilitated in bachelor and liciaciate degrees
  • Diverse networking opportunities
  • Bringing together academic community and job market
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You, always connected to the University

Gather researcher-professors from different areas, using high specialization laboratories, with teaching, scientific research and extension courses activities.

  • Biotechnology Institute
  • Historical and Cultural Memory Institute
  • Research in Health Institute
  • Economic and Social Research Institute
  • Environmental Sanitation Institute
    [ More info ]

Provides language courses to learn and enhance communication habilities in foreign languages.

  • In person or online, you can study German, Chinese, Spanish, French, English, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese for Foreigners (and for naturalization) and Talian, a language originated from Italian immigration
  • In-company courses and with an emphasis on professional practice
  • Proficiency exams with international recognition
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Promotes education and longevity to the public above 50, with group dynamics and different learning opportunities.

  • + than 50 activities offered annually
  • + than 750 enrolled students
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Opened in 2004 in the city of Flores da Cunha-RS, the Gastronomy School changed the scenery of enogastronomic culture in the Serra Gaúcha region, and the reflexes of its work can be noticed in various Brazilian cities, where many professionals who went through our classrooms and laboratories work.

  • Partnership with the Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori di Vino - ONAV, the oldest technical wine tasting association of Italy, and with the Italian Culinary Institute for Foreigners - iCIF, which leads, internationally, advanced training in Italian cuisine.
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The University of Caxias do Sul Publisher, on the literary market since 1976, acts with commitment towards production and dissemination of knowledge originated from research, education and extension courses.

  • Second oldest University publisher in the State and the 18th oldest in the country
  • Publishes academic, didactic-scientific, literary and cultural works
  • Has already published more than 1500 printed titles and more than 370 e-books
  • International agreements
    [ More info ]

UCS periodicals make academic and scientific productions from courses and Post-Graduate Programs, in the different areas of knowledge, available for the community, spreading the results of research and trustable information about innovation. [ More info ]

Promotes academic joint actions and services for the education of professionals that act in social policies and in public and private organizations. Counts with the collaboration of professors from all areas of knowledge and accepts demands from the regional community with actions in teaching, advising and consulting, learning evaluation, research, diagnostic, among other initiatives. [ More info ]

Fosters classical music in contribution to the artistic-cultural development of the region. With a social and educational role, it boosts transformation through music and enables high quality entertainment, promoting concerts and integrating events that gather thousands of people.

  • + than 15 thousand participants in actions from UCS Orchestra, UCS Choir, UCS Academic Orchestra, UCS LionsEduC Young Orchestra, String Quartet and Music School
    [ More info ]
  • + than 15 thousand participants in actions from UCS Orchestra, UCS Choir, UCS Academic Orchestra, UCS LionsEduC Young Orchestra, String Quartet and Music School
  • + than 70 thousand participants in activities from UCS Theater, UCS Cinema and eight other auditoriums

The biggest animal health complex of the region.

  • Appointments
  • Surgeries
  • Laboratory tests
  • Hospitalizations
  • Partnerships for medical office and surgery room rentals
  • Student practice environment
    [ More info ]

Environmental, educational, cultural and touristic heritage, the Zoo has been active since 1997 and integrates the Animal Health Complex of the University. Reference Center in recovery and shelter of wild animals seized from illegal captivity or found weak, hurt or orphaned, submitted by environmental authorities, shelters around 100 animals.

Actions carried out in UCS's coverage area, integrating the community and offering, voluntarily, health, legal assistance, education and leisure services. On average, we promote 15 events per year, with 240 volunteers collaboration.

Structure of articulation between community and academia focused on the development of research, projects and services. Encourages, establishes and manages a synergetic ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship.

  • + than 2,8 thousand companies, institutions, class entities and city halls connected to service provision
  • 90 companies, among residents, incubated e startups
  • Ideation, validation, business models and prototyping
  • Traction, market validation, management and entrepreneurial capacity
  • Development of technologies, project management, intellectual property and transfer of knowledge
  • Structure and support network, development of talents, venture capital and acceleration growth
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TecnoUCS is a Science, Technology and Innovation Park that promotes connections between UCS and different sectors, such as companies, government and society.

It aims to use the knowledge generated by the University to improve and create products, processes and services in contribution to national and international development.

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UCS GRAPHENE is the largest graphene production plant in Latin America installed by a university.

In operation since March 2020, it is the result of more than 20 years of research into nanomaterials at the University of Caxias do Sul and provides high-quality graphene for innovative technological sectors.

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University of Caxias do Sul Foundation

Presidency of The Foundation

  • President: Dom José Gislon
  • Vice-President: Cláudio Luiz Pessôa de Oliveira

Board of Directors

  • President: Gelson Leonardo Rech - reitoria@ucs.br
  • Vice-Chancellor: Asdrubal Falavigna
  • Dean of Undergraduate Studies: Terciane Ângela Luchese
  • Dean of Research and Graduate Studies: Everaldo Cescon
  • Dean of Innovation and Technological Development: Neide Pessin


Francisco Getúlio Vargas Street, 1130 - ZIP 95070-560 - Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil